28 May 2008

Dead is a state of mind

For the last two months now, I have been trying to grow these immune cells called B lymphocytes. Trying is the operative word here. So far I have sucked up most of a $600 bottle of cells accidentally, and then had the remaining cells grow out of control to the point of not wanting to use them. Then, by sheer genius, our lab manager got a new vial for free (woo hoo!) and I started growing these up too. Ended up that I diluted them too much the first day, and by the time I fixed that problem the next morning, the damage had been done and we were back to the same heinous, clumped cells. So, to summarize, I think the cells are mostly dead, maybe not all dead but definitely dead enough, and I have failed as a cell mother. Again. Why am I suddenly in the mood for an MLT?

Speaking of things alive, though, Emma is doing well. Her vocabulary of tricks now includes: sit, stay, lie down, roll over, (stand) up, come...well...come is a little iffy. It only works if there is sufficient food involved, or if we are at the top of the stairs and she is at the bottom. Forget trying "come" if we are at the dog park. But I digress. This past week Jay started to teach her "snout" - which involves her placing her nose in his hand (to some mixed results so far), and we have been working on "nuzzle" - rubbing noses, which she actually will do most of the time, as long as she's not too distracted. She has also started to actually initiate play, specifically fetch, which is adorable since she prances up with the ball in mouth, and puts a paw out to tell me, "It's play time!". So amazingly adorable! I will try to post a video soon. :-)

Now I need to go hit the gym for my half-marathon training! Maybe I can will my cells to behave while I run...

27 May 2008

I swore I'd never...

...start a blog, but after reading way too many of my friends' postings, I had an absolutely irrational thought: "why not write one myself?"

After much internal debate, I have finally decided to add to the cyber-clutter and create my very own online mind space. In the spirit of my title, this will be a candid, no-holds-barred view of my daily life in Atlanta. So come, my friend, sit down, grab some coffee, and enjoy my random ramblings about life, love and everything in between!