I feel like I have abandoned my blog. No, I actually HAVE abandoned my blog. It has been woefully neglected for almost 2 whole months, and I am trying to figure out why.
Part of it comes from realizing that the text editor is wholly uninspiring to me. I hate writing in it. I have ideas for what to write when I am not staring at this technical, boring text box. I would much rather have my happy picture to look at, and see text getting put directly onto my actual blog. You know, direct feedback on how it looks and feels in context.
Part of it also stems from feeling like whatever random ramblings I have merely clutter space on the Internets without providing any productive content. To address that insecurity on my part, I plan to take this blog in a more focused direction. Part home decorating, part "green" ideas, and maybe even part projects (so I have impetus to actually finish some of them!). Not that I won't have my random post days, but having a better vision of why I bother to write here should help my motivation to do so.
So, keep checking back and bugging me if I start slacking!