A few years ago, maybe about 2 now, I fell in love. With a rustic wooden dining table. Maybe more so a large almost-bureau. The first few heart flutters came from magazine pictures. A messy but loved 15-foot table that served as the heart of all activities in the home. Another, more refined but still full of character wooden anchor for the kitchen-cum-dining room. These images have been in the back of my mind for awhile now. I found the table feeling at Repast's bakery in Inman Park too. A massive golden wood object of desire that quite nicely handles at least 8 people on bar stools, cozied up around it munching on their Saturday morning pastries, perusing the newspaper headlines and sipping their lattes. Almost makes me want to go back right now. I haven't been there in at least 2 years...
And almost a full year passed. Then I was recently perusing the Ikea Hacker blog (ikeahacker.blogspot.com), and came across this Danish inspiration (not Swedish, actually by a Dane):

And another inspirational photo. I don't love everything about the details of the table or even the exact seating, but I like taking it for the feeling I get when I look at it.

I will dig deeper into rustic wooden tables across the Internets, and will be back soon!
1 comment:
This is my fantasy table:
It's handmade from reclaimed wood. I love the edges, the color, the finish, everything. Want.
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