04 October 2010


So you may think that writing this entry is the inspiration for the title. But you would be wrong. It actually came from this interesting New Yorker article: http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/books/2010/10/11/101011crbo_books_surowiecki?currentPage=all

I actually *aspire* to write a blog entry much more often than I actually sit down and put virtual pen to virtual paper. Somehow the act of creating an entry has a huge activation energy - partly because I still wonder if anything written here is worthwhile, or whether it just fills the ever-expanding digital universe with more virtual space junk. Or whether my random ramblings will sound self-absorbed, trivial or inane. Maybe by just thinking about these things I find reasons enough to keep from writing.

But, often I feel that I think I am communicating a lot more than I really am. So I find reason to keep trying to write here. Enough introspection.

So yesterday I started in on refinishing a new, old chair. A few of you may have heard or seen my rose chair from the first year here in Atlanta. It was a fun project, but it didn't turn out all that comfortable, so it found a new home during the Great Compromise of moving in together last summer. This one is more comfortable - at least right now - so I am giving this thing another shot. Old carved wooden armchair with a grandmotherly, light blue jacquard that sports a nice rip across the front of the seat. It's getting a metallic (pewter, maybe?) paint update, with a retro mod fabric covering. Pictures to come!

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