26 January 2011

This is Not a product endorsement. Ok, maybe it is.

We all suffer from it. But we don't like talking about it. Yes, I'm talking about clogged pores.

Disgusting. Gross. Annoying. Nothing's good about them, but now there is a solution. It's not really new, I guess. But I *love* Biore's anti-blackhead self-warming face wash!

I never liked washing my face when I was growing up. Bar soap, the yellow bar stuff specifically, left my face feeling slightly waxy and not very refreshed. When I moved out on my own, I explored different facial care systems. Proactiv worked pretty well, but it left annoying bleached spots on everything, so I kept looking. I used the Biore nose strips as a weekly blackhead treatment, which definitely helped, but I never settled on one face wash.

That is, until I had a coupon for Biore nose strips that required me to buy a facial care product along with it. It sounds cheesy, but that's how I stumbled across this fabulous product. Most of the promo-type coupons and products have been one-shot deals - I never buy them again (Neutrogena, that's you). This one stuck. I'm even expanding my Biore repertoire. I've succumbed to their dual SPF/moisturizer (recommended by Real Simple, I think), and their facial cleanser. I'm almost ready to buy their makeup towelettes too, but I don't wear makeup often enough (yet) to really commit.

I'm eagerly waiting the Drugstore.com box that's bringing more face wash! I ran out last week, and instead of searching high and low for the ONE store that actually carries it, I just ordered it. Lots of it. :-)

Tonight I get to wash my face again!

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