03 November 2010


Some of my friends took the Myers-Briggs test for a leadership program exercise, and I got curious into which personality category I fit. So I took a (free) online version and was placed in the ESFJ category. Here is what they say it means:

I am a (slightly expressed) people person - i.e. extrovert. I am warmly interested in others, and *want* to like people. I (supposedly) have a gift for bringing out the best in others too.

I'm warm and energetic, sensitive to others, and freely give practical care. :-)

The ESFJ side of me tends to want to control my environment. I like structure and seek closure. I'm good at tasks which require concrete concepts, personal analysis, and creating structure (Mom, can you say amen here?!).

We ESFJs are - at best - warm, sympathetic, helpful, cooperative, tactful and down-to-earth, practical, consistent, thorough, organized, enthusiastic and energetic.

I like my personality!

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