06 November 2010

Finding my drama...

...tic color. I was given a copy of David Zyla's new book "The color of style" by a dear friend of mine, and once I picked it up, I couldn't set it down. David has been a fashion stylist and adviser for lots of famous shows, but I won't bore you with his resume. The point is, based on his experience he has come up with a way to analyze your own personal colors - finding the colors that will absolutely be the best shades for you to wear - and more importantly, describing how those colors function in your life.

For example, one of your colors is your "essence" color. This is your skin tone, your best foundation makeup color. This is a very open, vulnerable color to wear, which is why this is a bad choice to wear in a job interview or any place where you should exert energy and authority. But it's great if you want to meditate or share deeper emotions with a friend.

Right now I am on the search to find my perfect "dramatic" color. According to the book, this color is found in your veins, so look at your wrist and find the deepest color as your inspiration. For me, it's a midtone clear blue with turquoise undertones. Given that I love jewel tones, this fits right in with my instinctual color style, but somewhat uncharacteristically, I am really doubting that I have really found that perfect color. However, here are some fashion thoughts that have started to inspire me:

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