05 November 2010

Order-disorder and other random Friday thoughts

My personality (as described in my previous post) loves order. I am very structured about how I keep most of my things, and it will drive me to distraction when certain things are out of place. Not quite OCD but I'm sure there are tendencies there.

Recently I have noticed that some of my labmates like to take pipette tips at random rather than following a set order of removing tips. This is a small detail to some, but when you stare at tip boxes all day, it becomes a thing. So, usually I will keep my own tip boxes orderly but look the other way when I see a more "modern art" approach.

In the spirit of self-improvement and development that I have recently been embracing, I decided this week to embrace the disorder. It is a small step, but it's almost naughty fun being haphazard about my tip selection. Yes, maybe I have been in lab too long when this is fun...it comes with the territory. :-)

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