30 November 2010


One of our good friends at the dog park is a dental hygenist. She is adorable, bubbly and everything you expect from a people-oriented professional. But we only interact at the park, with our canine buddies. However, as things go, the subject of teeth cleaning came up. We all had our gripes and moans about dentists (the scraping noise, the drooling...you know), but she acted as a perky reminder to shame me into flossing regularly. Even though I'm not quite to an every day floss routine yet, it's at least every other day which is a start. :-)

Supposedly, all your health starts in (and with) your mouth. You don't have to take my word for it either. The Mayo Clinic says so. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/dental/DE00001

Moral of the story: brush, floss, and take care of your health!

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